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From the author: This is one of the issues of my author’s newsletter “Secrets of Reality Management”. Website: Do you know that every person is the most magnificent creature in the Universe? That is, YOU! Sometimes there is a perception of the outside world in which there is not much that pleases the eye. It seems that what kind of Creator-Crown is there: the weakest being who constantly needs resources. But I propose to look at this only as images created by man himself (well, a lot of people programmed such an image with their thoughts). Try to start creating a different image right today, first for yourself, and then for others. A lot has been written about NLP and the creation of visualizations, so I will not write in detail about the creation of transformative images, I will only focus on the key points: You create a visualization “The image of yourself as yourself a magnificent being in the universe, like God (if you believe in him)." The image of a person who was created as a child of God (the Universe or whatever you believe in). To whom everything was given from birth. Just assume that you simply forgot about all your capabilities due to upbringing by the systems that influenced you and your parents and begin to remember: what it is like to be a Creator. Get used to this image, try it on yourself! At least several times a day! I would like to pay special attention to the speech you use: it can transform reality, or it can just be a set of sounds. Try not to say words that do not mean your dream. Learn to create powerful, emotionally charged messages: to yourself, to others, to the Universe - speech that creates images that will change your reality. Another important point: give others compliments. Noticing the beauty in others, after a while you will begin to see your own splendor. Give compliments sincerely, in any form - in letters, in words, in statuses on social networks, on the street - you can mentally, directing the appeal towards the person you like or are interested in. And I assure you - your life will begin to change for the better. I I don’t want to burden the article with the mechanisms of how this works: it will always be possible to separate harmony with algebra. Just take it and do it!!! Happy Victory Day!!!