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At acting trainings, students are asked to do simple exercises, for example, placing a chair truthfully. Truthfully is as if you absolutely sincerely wanted it and did it completely naturally, not in public and for the sake of a role, but in ordinary, everyday life. As soon as inventing (=over- or under-playing) begins, the falseness will immediately appear, like rust. Acting true to yourself means choosing yourself and knowing your desires. That is, to experience genuine interest in your life. Choosing yourself shifts the focus away from others. On the one hand, this brings freedom (“I do only what I want and consider necessary”), and on the other, it loads me with responsibility - after all, “what happens to me today is the result of my yesterday’s actions or inaction.” In wardrobe stories, in order to understand how suited or not something suits us, we use a mirror. We look at our reflection, compare it with our self-image and make a decision. When making a decision, we can rely on ourselves - our feelings, emotions, rationality or intuition, or we can listen to someone from the outside. To some extent, it’s easier with clothes - they brought them home, tried them on again, and if something was wrong, they returned them. Life is not that simple. However, once you develop the habit of choosing yourself, subsequently “not choosing” becomes more difficult. Falseness, fake, imitation, inauthenticity (inauthenticity) will appear like that very rust. If you don’t like what happened today, there is always the opportunity to take another action to make tomorrow’s result better. Just as in social networks, we choose a reaction to someone’s publication, the same can be done in relationships with loved ones: stop for a minute before an action/harsh word, realize what is happening and allow yourself to choose a reaction that will trigger a different chain of events. Hearing yourself, choosing your needs, putting yourself first - these are simple steps that allow you to cope with those untruths about yourself that spoil your life and burst out through the insincerity of action. With that inner dishonesty that corrodes and poisons. Awareness of the moment, choice and responsibility is liberating in its truthfulness. Tell me, is it easy for you to choose yourself??